You are Invited to Join the Association for Transpersonal Psychology. All Members receive these basic benefits:
  • A subscription to the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, published semi-annually.
  • Access to all 35 years of Journal articles and hundreds of audio and video recordings of past conference presenters. [View sample lists.]
  • A searchable networking List of Members.
  • ATP's Listing of Professional Members.
  • The Association's Newsletter, with articles, interviews, announcements of ATP activities, topical issues, and more. Members are encouraged to submit material for publication.
  • Reduced rates for Newsletter classified advertising.
  • ID & Password to the Members Only section of our web site which includes full text archives of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology and audio archives of past ATP conferences from 1990 to the present. Login here, or, click here to join.

Membership Categories (term is one year from join/renew date)

Join TWO Great Psychology Associations for ONE Great Price!: Only $159 (a savings of $46)

The Association for Transpersonal Psychology (ATP) and the Association for Humanistic Psychology (AHP) are re-uniting again. Now you can save big when you join both as a professional member!

Membership Benefits:

Here are some of the exciting benefits of joining both:

  • 4 annual issues of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology (JHP), and 2 annual issues of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
  • Access to all 35 years of Journal of Transpersonal Psychology articles and hundreds of audio and video recordings of past conference presentations
  • Six stimulating, information-packed issues of our magazine, AHP Perspective, plus substantial discounts on all AHP and ATP events, including regional conferences and annual conferences
  • Listing in the The Directory of Humanistic Professionals and in
    ATP's Listing of Professional Members.
  • Continuing Education Credits for Conferences and Events
  • Discounts on ad rates in the "AHP Perspective" and on mail list rentals
  • Opportunity to link your website directly with,
    as a Memberlink
  • Access to AHPweb's "Members Only" section for news, information, and special opportunities.
  • Opportunities for group rates on health, disability, and life insurance plans
  • Make History Yourself! Be Among the first 250 Joint Professional Members and your name will appear in the AHP Perspective as an Inaugural Professional Member.
Includes basic and Professional Membership benefits and special recognition in printed and web material. This level of membership supports the development of non-profit transpersonal projects and services. Join
Includes basic and Professional Membership benefits. This level of membership supports the development of non-profit transpersonal projects and services.
Includes basic benefits to libraries or institutions who wish to provide electronic access to its users and students (Access is via IP pass-through or proxy server).
Open only to persons residing outside of North America, this level of membership includes basic benefits as the North American Professional Membership.
Open only to persons residing outside of North America, this level of membership includes basic benefits as the North American Professional Membership.
Open only to persons residing outside of North America, this level of membership includes basic benefits as the North American General Membership.
Includes basic benefits, a listing in the ATP Professional Members Guide, and access to the professional members listserv.
Includes basic benefits.
Includes basic benefits. To qualify you must have graduated within the last two years from a degree-granting institution in transpersonal psychology. $50 (not including hard-copies of the journal)Join/Renew
Includes basic benefits. Requires a minimum 50% enrollment and current copy of your student ID or Proof of Age over 65.
Includes basic benefits. Requires a minimum 50% enrollment and current copy of your student ID. Open only to persons residing outside of North America, this level of membership includes basic benefits with electronically delivered newsletter and The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (file format in PDF).
Includes basic benefits. Requires a minimum 50% enrollment and current copy of your student ID. Open only to persons residing outside of North America.
Open only to persons residing outside of North America, this level of membership includes basic benefits with electronically delivered newsletter and The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (file format in PDF).

The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology is sent to all Association members. Published since 1969, it is widely recognized as the most substantial and authoritative periodical in the transpersonal field. ATP members are encouraged to submit papers for consideration. Each issue includes articles, book reviews, and other features. Contributors include Daniel Goleman, Ken Wilber, Charles Tart, Ram Dass, Frances Vaughan, Huston Smith, Roger Walsh, and many others.

TT secure-online and mail/fax-in membership forms are available online. Please make use of this service. If you have any questions e-mail