Author Information/Submission Guidelines for the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology

Instructions to Authors:

NOTE: Message from the editor of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology: The e-mail address for correspondence with the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (JTP) and for submitting manuscripts has experienced some malfunctioning errors during the month of November. During this period in which issues are being resolved we recommend that you send any matters dealing with the JTP directly to Thank you, Marcie Boucouvalas, Editor

All manuscripts (10,000 words maximum including references) and an abstract of not more than 150 words can be submitted electronically to Include a separate page with manuscript title, name(s) of author(s), and contact information (postal and e-mail addresses, phone, fax). Author identification should not appear on the manuscript itself. Upon submission, manuscript should be complete with references and tables (if any), following APA style (6th edition) as closely as possible.

Paper copies will also be accepted, in triplicate, double spaced, with diskette or flash drive (preferably in Microsoft Word). Please mail to:

Marcie Boucouvalas, Ph.D.
Dept. of Human Development
VA Tech / National Capital Region
7054 Haycock Rd.
Falls Church, VA 22043-2311

Please send Submissions of Books for Review to:

JTP Book Review Editor
c/o Lauren Bracciodieta
2635 Miller Ave., #5
Mountain View, CA 94040